Thursday, July 12, 2012

Death to The Internet As We Know It

There's an Ap for that. And it may be cutting edge for most business right now, but within the next 2-3 years an ap for your business will be as common as a website is now.

The technology is astoundingly easy for any business to embrace. I was just on a webinar this week where software was introduced that allows for business customization and simple, done for you templates that so that business owners and their consultants can easily design and maintain an ap for your business.

Aps will replace texting. They will make email marketing look Mickey Mouse. They will be the ultimate way a business keeps their customers loyal and engaged.

Here is an article that I found this morning with more details:

My job is to make you look good online. My program creates a buzz about your business, keeping you highly visible to your current customers and easy to find by new prospects.

Call today for a completely free analysis of what piece of internet real estate you own now and where you could be.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Google Places still a factor in local search and now they are making a few changes so be patient!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Be a Leader and a Hero: Get Your Company on Board with Social Media

Social media is highly encouraged at my company and has been for many years. It is a great networking tool for sales people or for anyone inside the company who needs to be kept abreast of industry advancements. I can't think of one department in a company that would not benefit from social media.

Read this article and be the one who brings social media to the forefront at your company.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Check "Other" Messages On Your Facebook Page

Short update today.
Facebook tip something that I just discovered today.
If you click on the message tab on the upper left corner of your Facebook page and then click on "other" you will discover some messages that you probably didn't know existed. I found messages that were nearly 8 months old and required response.
Apparently Facebook decides who you are going to get messages from right away and who can wait 6 months for you to find them based on who you interact with most often.
Also the news is that Facebook is once again working on a major re-design so stay tuned for more changes on the horizon. Google+ added business pages this week so if you have a Facebook Page creating one on Google + is a smart move as Google will make sure they are a player in the market.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Steve Jobs Got It!

Steve Jobs was at the helm of one of the largest US companies and although his success can be attributed to numerous factors his relentless commitment to marketing certainly resulted in success for Apple.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Create A Strong Image on Your Facebook Page

I have been assisting my clients in strategizing their Facebook Campaigns. Too many times I see them trying to grab their fans by the collars and drag them in kicking and screaming.

This article is packed with good ideas and advice on how to position yourself as an expert and give your fans a reason to be loyal.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Protecting Your Business' Reputation

There are many online vehicles for customers to review your business today. For this reason many businesses are afraid to put themselves out there for fear that a bad review will destroy them.

But it is far more beneficial and lucrative to create a strong image online than to allow the risk that a bad review will ruin your business for life. Sites like, Yahoo Local and Google Places have given business owners tools to combat site like When business owners actively seek good reviews from customers, the good outweighs the poor, the business image is protected and the bad review is answered indirectly.

There are numerous other ways to combat a poor review. Business owners can ask to be a guest blooger on a highly ranking blog in their category where they can portray their business and answer to a unflattering review. They can request that the site owner or webmaster remove a review that is not substantiated.

For some of my clients I have created a system where they can thank the reviewer for their feedback and get an offer in their hands to try the product again. I find that when a review has been answered in a professional manner it sends a message to all who view it that this business owner cares about how their business is portrayed and how it operates. These reviews, good or bad, can be instrumental in the business owner correcting problems on site that will make the business stronger and more lucrative going forward.